¿Bandas de la porra monklovitas contra los ciudadanos disidentes?

14 Feb 2010
ALCORCÓN (Madrid) está tarde.
Concentración de ciudadanos contra la negligencia criminal de Monkloa en el #COVID19 y contra el recorte ilegal de libertades cívicas.
Aparece banda de la porra de perroflautas & moroflautas menores a hostigarlos.

Se producen agresiones.

En Twitter identifican a tres de los moroflautas agresores.

Perroflautas adolescentes, llenos de sororidad, deseándole la muerte a las hijas del Rey.


700% increase in illegal African migrants entering Spain this year
By MICHAEL LORD 20 May 2020
700% increase in illegal African migrants entering Spain this year

Spain is rapidly becoming a popular destination for African migrants hoping to illegally enter the European Union, as recent events show.
Although the usual route African migrants attempt to take is through Italy or Malta, recent activity shows that Spain is beginning to receive more migrants than ever before. Over the past several months, Italy and Malta have closed their ports to illegal migrants as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which makes them much less tempting targets than they were before. Ships operated by pro-migrant NGOs have also reduced their operations in the Mediterranean of late, which further hampers the migrants’ efforts.

To attempt to reach Spain as an alternative, migrants depart from western Africa and cross the Atlantic, hoping to reach the Canary Islands, an autonomous region that is under Spanish jurisdiction. At its closest point, the Canaries are only 100 kilometres west from the coast of Morocco. This route is more dangerous than the Mediterranean, however, because the Atlantic Ocean tends to be considerably rougher.

More than 50 African migrants were intercepted on Sunday off the coast of the island of Gran Canaria, according to a report by Reuters. A fishing craft had spotted the migrants’ dinghy and notified the Spanish Coast Guard, which then rescued them. The Coast Guard took them to the port city of Arguineguin.
The Red Cross, which took the migrants into custody, reported that all of them are male and from sub-Saharan countries. 35 are believed to be under the age of 18. Red Cross staff wearing protective gear took their temperatures as a Wuhan coronavirus precaution.
Spain’s Ministry of the Interior has reported that illegal migration to the Canaries is up nearly 700% this year as compared to the same period last year. As of the end of April, 1,936 migrants had arrived there; last year, there were only 243.

Spain has been cracking down on human traffickers who smuggle illegal migrants into the country. Earlier this year, Spanish authorities arrested 26 people suspected of being human traffickers, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.


700% increase in illegal African migrants entering Spain this year
By MICHAEL LORD 20 May 2020
700% increase in illegal African migrants entering Spain this year

Spain is rapidly becoming a popular destination for African migrants hoping to illegally enter the European Union, as recent events show.
Although the usual route African migrants attempt to take is through Italy or Malta, recent activity shows that Spain is beginning to receive more migrants than ever before. Over the past several months, Italy and Malta have closed their ports to illegal migrants as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which makes them much less tempting targets than they were before. Ships operated by pro-migrant NGOs have also reduced their operations in the Mediterranean of late, which further hampers the migrants’ efforts.

To attempt to reach Spain as an alternative, migrants depart from western Africa and cross the Atlantic, hoping to reach the Canary Islands, an autonomous region that is under Spanish jurisdiction. At its closest point, the Canaries are only 100 kilometres west from the coast of Morocco. This route is more dangerous than the Mediterranean, however, because the Atlantic Ocean tends to be considerably rougher.

More than 50 African migrants were intercepted on Sunday off the coast of the island of Gran Canaria, according to a report by Reuters. A fishing craft had spotted the migrants’ dinghy and notified the Spanish Coast Guard, which then rescued them. The Coast Guard took them to the port city of Arguineguin.
The Red Cross, which took the migrants into custody, reported that all of them are male and from sub-Saharan countries. 35 are believed to be under the age of 18. Red Cross staff wearing protective gear took their temperatures as a Wuhan coronavirus precaution.
Spain’s Ministry of the Interior has reported that illegal migration to the Canaries is up nearly 700% this year as compared to the same period last year. As of the end of April, 1,936 migrants had arrived there; last year, there were only 243.

Spain has been cracking down on human traffickers who smuggle illegal migrants into the country. Earlier this year, Spanish authorities arrested 26 people suspected of being human traffickers, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

¡Qué va a ser casual!
Hay que sustituir la población autóctona, cuanto antes mejor.

Ancianos que no se llevan a los hospitales.
Promoción del aborto. Al cual se desvían recursos, incluso en plena crisis del codvid.
Ideología de género a tope: hay que poner toda clase de obstáculos a que la población blanca europea se reproduzca.
Ya han aprovechado a sacar la ley de eutanasia durante el estado de alarma, a toda prisa.

Y que entren, que entren muchos como estos.

Para ellos es la renta mínima vital.
Para ellos se legisló el empadronamiento en cualquier sitio.
Por ellos se va preparando el terreno para confiscar casas vacías a sus legítimos dueños.

Y más cosas.

Muy muy triste todo.
¡Qué va a ser casual!
Hay que sustituir la población autóctona, cuanto antes mejor.

Ancianos que no se llevan a los hospitales.
Promoción del aborto. Al cual se desvían recursos, incluso en plena crisis del codvid.
Ideología de género a tope: hay que poner toda clase de obstáculos a que la población blanca europea se reproduzca.
Ya han aprovechado a sacar la ley de eutanasia durante el estado de alarma, a toda prisa.

Y que entren, que entren muchos como estos.

Para ellos es la renta mínima vital.
Para ellos se legisló el empadronamiento en cualquier sitio.
Por ellos se va preparando el terreno para confiscar casas vacías a sus legítimos dueños.

Y más cosas.

Muy muy triste todo.

Lo decía en tono irónico, @CarmenM ;) .
Llevamos años trayendo información al hilo de "Refugiados" respecto a estas mafias de trata de seres humanos llamadas NGOs y el plan de los globalistas de destruir la cultura y raza occidental en Europa.
En lo más profundo de mi corazón tenía la esperanza de que tan sólo fueran teorías conspiranoicas, pero viendo lo que está sucediendo en España con el desgobierno comunista de los psicópatas Sánchez-Iglesias, ya no me queda duda alguna.
Que Dios nos coja confesados.

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