Britney Spears - #FreeBritney

Yo no tengo ni idea, pero puede que esta nueva persona que tiene la tutela aunque siga siendo corrupta en lo personal con ella sea más amable o más atenta o la escuche más. Yo es que soy muy positiva pero creo que el padre cerca de ella no es algo bueno.
Creo que si te fastidia una persona que no es un familiar tuyo te puede afectar menos que si lo es.
No sabias esta historia?y la de la apuesta de timba de Ben Affleck?y sí, han abusado toda su vida y lo que le queda.Me da pena pero por desgracia ella ya esta acostumbrada a este comportamiento y lo vera normal.
Que es lo de la timba de Ben afleck?
Leyendo vuestros mensajes he estado dandole vueltas a la clase de gente que es esta y es mas chungo de lo que parece, pero Brit no puede hacer nada? Es decir, no puede ir a la policía o algo y denunciar? Cuanto poder tiene su equipo para controlarla así?, los novios, el contenido de instagram, sus hijos, su carrera, su dinero...
Por cierto, había oido hablar hace tiempo de lo del control mental monarca (mk ultra) y creo que es totalmente cierto, ella no es consciente de lo que le hacen y cada vez que empieza a pensar de forma racional, a ordenar su cabeza y a verles la verdadera cara a todos, la llevan al hospital Mount Sinaí (donde le hacen el lavado de cerebro a todos los famosos para que sigan siendo marionetas) y a resetearla máximamente, sale de allí que no conoce a nadie, de ahí vienen sus comportamiento erráticos algunas veces (como Katy Perry), creo que hasta que sus hijos no sean mayores y den un golpe sobre la mesa ella no se va a librar de esto.

PD: Me he comprado Fantasy por pura nostalgia, leer este hilo ha hecho que resurja mi amor por Britney.
Hola,lo de la timba es que una noche se apostaron en una partida de poker tener una relación intima con Britney.
Me cito yo misma para hablar de esto:
But another source said their romance actually began the following summer after a game of strip poker at Ben's house in the Hollywood Hills.

The couple had met by chance earlier in the evening at Las Palmas, a trendy Mexican supper club in West Hollywood. They went back to his place with some of his friends - while Justin just happened to be out of town that night.One of the players said: "The guys talked Britney into playing strip poker but some of them took advantage and cheated by dealing her losing hands.

"When it came time for her to take off her blouse all the guys launched into their own version of her song Baby One More Time, and were singing Strip For Me Baby One More Time.

"Britney couldn't understand why she kept losing. Then it dawned on her when she saw their faces. They were ready to burst with laughter.

"She roared hysterically herself and told them, 'Next time, I make the rules.' "

When the game was over Britney was left in nothing but a skimpy bra and frilly panties.

To make up for all the cheating, joker Ben stripped down to his jungle-print boxer shorts.

It is claimed Britney stayed on when everyone left to help Ben clean the place up. She gave him her phone number but didn't hear from him right away.

The singer checked with several of her pals and finally got a hold of Ben's mobile number. Then she called him up and invited him on a date.

A few weeks later, on October 5 2000, she and Ben met up again. They went to Holl-wood nightspot The Sunset Room, just before Britney was due to fly to start touring in Europe
Esto ocurrió a principios o mediados del 2000 como ocurrió la ruptura volvieron los rumores y decían que la tercera persona era Ben.
Última edición:
Me cito yo misma para hablar de esto:
But another source said their romance actually began the following summer after a game of strip poker at Ben's house in the Hollywood Hills.

The couple had met by chance earlier in the evening at Las Palmas, a trendy Mexican supper club in West Hollywood. They went back to his place with some of his friends - while Justin just happened to be out of town that night.One of the players said: "The guys talked Britney into playing strip poker but some of them took advantage and cheated by dealing her losing hands.

"When it came time for her to take off her blouse all the guys launched into their own version of her song Baby One More Time, and were singing Strip For Me Baby One More Time.

"Britney couldn't understand why she kept losing. Then it dawned on her when she saw their faces. They were ready to burst with laughter.

"She roared hysterically herself and told them, 'Next time, I make the rules.' "

When the game was over Britney was left in nothing but a skimpy bra and frilly panties.

To make up for all the cheating, joker Ben stripped down to his jungle-print boxer shorts.

It is claimed Britney stayed on when everyone left to help Ben clean the place up. She gave him her phone number but didn't hear from him right away.

The singer checked with several of her pals and finally got a hold of Ben's mobile number. Then she called him up and invited him on a date.

A few weeks later, on October 5 2000, she and Ben met up again. They went to Holl-wood nightspot The Sunset Room, just before Britney was due to fly to start touring in Europe
Esto ocurrió a principios o mediados del 2000 como pasó la ruptura volvieron los rumores y decían que la tercera persona era Ben.
Aquí demostró ser muy pero que muy tonta.