Jiji esa fue una leyenda urbana que en su tiempo los medios quisieron darle para engrosar el "background" de Lindon, simplemente porque su bisabuela se llamaba Fernande Citroën, hija de Louis Bernard (Levie Barend) Citroën, quienes no tienen absolutamente nada que ver con los fundadores de la compañía automovilística. Es información fácilmente comprobable.
La familia de Vincent Lindon no era millonaria. En términos de clase social, podríamos considerar que provenían de una clase media.
Y por supuesto que Lindon seguramente hoy ya es millonario por su carrera como actor, pero cuando tuvo su relación con Caroline (hace más de 30 años) todavía estaba lejos de serlo. Vendría siendo al día de hoy un perfil similar a Gad o Dimitri, que por su trabajo son millonarios y reconocidos, pero no porque sus familias fueran de mucha fortuna o abolengo en sus orígenes, ni mucho menos se puede decir que por tener millones, pertenezcan al jet-set.
Saludos prima.
Clase media alta.
Y en los 90, Lindon ya era un actor con mucha presencia en el cine francés. Obviamente, Carolina tenía mucho más dinero, pero no era un actor humilde con recursos limitados.
Sobre sus raíces familiares, pone en todas las biografías que es descendiente de los
The Saga of the Citroën Family, a European story
May 19, 2020
The Citroën family is no ordinary family. Not only because they bear a very well-known name, made famous worldwide by André Citroën, but because they show particularly notable features originating from diverse roots.
The family derives from immigrants, connected to several European countries. André Citroën’s father left Holland and emigrated to France during the 19th century. His mother was Polish. Georgina Bingen, André Citroën’s wife, was Italian. My father Bernard was French. My mother Piroska was Hungarian and became Swedish during the 2nd World War: she spoke 7 languages fluently. I was born in Spain as was my brother Philippe. My other brother Bernard was born in France: he is married to Jeffrey Krogh who is Danish and became British a few years ago. My cousin the Marquis André de Saint-Sauveur (son of Jacqueline Citroën) was married to the late Ivana Andjelic-Walch who was Yugoslavian. The family is truly European.
It is also a family that have emigrated. My parents lived in Spain and in Mexico for many years. During the 2nd World War, my mother lived in Italy before taking refuge in Sweden. For many years, I lived and worked in Venezuela (where my 3 children were born). My brother Philippe lives in Belgium. My other brother Bernard lives in Luxembourg with a 2nd home in the UK. My eldest daughter Clémentine has spent some years living in Colombia (her 2 children were born there). My younger daughter Anne-Rosalie lives in Great Britain. My son Charles-Henri decided to stay in Paris.
On my father’s side, it is a Jewish family, but some members became Catholic. During the 1960s, my father was baptized. My mother was a practicing catholic. My parents raised my brothers and me as Catholics.
Academically, the family has been strong: André Citroën graduated from the famous Ecole Polytechnique (promotion X98), as did my father Bernard (X37) and my uncle Maxime (X38). Jacques Bingen graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Paris and from Sciences Po. My brother Philippe graduated from Sciences Po and from the prestigious ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration). My brother Bernard graduated from HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales). My cousin André Citroën graduated from INSEAD. My cousins all have University degrees. I graduated from HEC and from Paris-Sceaux University Law School. The next generation comprising my children and nephews, have all successfully completed their graduate studies.
The French Republic has recognized the merits of some members of the family by awarding them the “Légion d’Honneur”: André Citroën (Grand-Officier), his brother-in-law Jacques Bingen (Chevalier), his children Jacqueline Citroën (Chevalier), Bernard Citroën (Commandeur), Maxime (Officier), his grand-son Philippe Citroën (Chevalier); the well-known prosecutor Raymond Lindon, son of Fernande Citroën and nephew of André Citroën, was Commandeur (he is the grand-father of famous actor
Vincent Lindon).