ميثاق جامعة الدول العربية
Annex on Co-operation with Arab countries not members of the Council of the League
Whereas the Member States of the League will have to deal either in theCouncil or in the Committees with questions affecting the interests of theentire Arab world,And whereas the Council cannot fail to take into account the aspirations ofthe Arab countries not members of the Council and to work toward theirrealization, the States signatory to the Pact of the Arab League strongly urgethat the Council of the League should cooperate with them as far as possiblein having them participate in the Committees referred to in the Pact, and inother matters should not spare any effort to learn their needs and understandtheir aspirations and should moreover work for their common weal and theguarantee of their future by whatever political means available.Annex on the Appointment of the Secretary-General of the LeagueThe States signatory to the present Pact have agreed to appoint Abd AlRahman Azzam Bey Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.His appointment shall be for a term of two years. The Council of the Leagueshall later determine the future organization of the General Secretaria